Brighten up every holiday season with festive arrangements, evergreens, bespoke embellishments, and full-themed displays.
Holiday Décor
Holiday decorations not only enhance a particular space, they have a positive impact on retail spending, and increase a location’s social media presence. By creating a positive and engaging experience, holiday décor improves not only consumer confidence, but boosts feelings of tranquility among employees, tenants and guests.
Whether you are looking to brighten up your office space, illuminate your corporate campus, or cozy up your home, we have solutions to fit your needs. From traditional holiday arrangements, to full atmospheric displays, our designs are rooted in the unique cues that each space provides, which allows us to develop a truly bespoke holiday experience that is sophisticated, imaginative, and tailored to each specific site.
Assessment & Consultation - We begin our process with a discussion of your specific needs, your environment, your vision, your budget, your priorities and your timeline.
Design - We carefully curate a design plan that specifies recommended décor and embellishments. We refine our proposal with your value-added input.
Installation - We manage and provide installation during non-operating hours, from start to finish. This eliminates any disruptions to your home or business.
Caretaking - We lovingly maintain your display during non-operating hours to ensure it shines throughout the season.
Great Distraction
Implementing holiday décor is an ideal means of breaking up day-to-day monotony. When living our lives with the same routine, people can grow weary and anxious. When adding a new element, such as holiday specific decorations, this tells our brains that time is passing and often relieves stress as a break from chaos and repetition.
Nostalgic Feelings
Implementing holiday décor triggers nostalgic, joyful memories for most people. Nostalgia helps our brains cope with current besetments and releases negative thoughts, boosting our abilities to handle stress and maintain positive outlooks. Nostalgia assists us to find more meaning in life, bolsters our senses of social connections, and provides us with a remedy for collective angst.
Social Connections
Implementing holiday décor signals sociability; areas that are decorated are viewed as more approachable and friendly. The simple act of decorating creates connections between neighbors and helps to inspire a similar holiday spirit. Often a ripple effect is created where happiness in humanity is shared. This leads to feeling more connected and prompts small conversations that build relationships.
Enhanced Moods
Implementing appropriate holiday décor changes behavior, which can lead to a dramatic shift in our emotional state. Simply acting happy, as a means of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is shown to actually boost moods. Decorating provides one with a sense of power; focusing on what we can change, versus focusing on what we cannot control. By shifting our focus to areas we can control, we help eliminate feelings of ambiguity and uncertainty, which is especially important in this ever-changing world.